25 Jun 2014
Yoga Games and an Update
It has been a while since I last posted about my kids’ yoga classes. Lots of changes in my business and news to report.
I am excited to announce that I have found an illustrator for my children’s book, which will be due out this Fall 2014. My dream of publishing a book that will touch the lives of children and families everywhere is becoming a reality and I can’t wait to step into this new role of published author/educator and share my book with children at schools, libraries, bookstores, etc!
Stay tuned…
I also want to announce that I have decided to officially move my blog to my website at www.beyogabelove.com so that I will be able to make many more resources available to my readers and kids teachers everywhere.
If you are currently FOLLOWING my blog on WordPress.com and would like to continue receiving notifications of new blog posts and lots of other goodies, please subscribe via email (by entering your email address on the right). The official move will happen on July 15th, so please take the time to subscribe now and receive your Free Guided Meditation to use in your children’s classes!
I also took the Rainbow Kid’s Yoga Training a few weeks ago and it was such a fun, inspiring experience to PLAY yoga with a community of amazing teachers! I learned LOTS of new yoga games and ideas to keep my little yogis engaged and focused. I told my students that I had taken a yoga class just for kids yoga teachers and was excited to share all the fun games I learned with them!
It’s amazing how using a simple prop can transform an activity into something special! I passed my bendy flower, which I sprayed with some lavender oil, around the circle and asked each child to share what they looked forward to doing this summer. Then we all joined our friends in pretending to breathe in the scent of the flower. All the children were breathing together, as they were waiting to get to smell the flower themselves and we got a lot of Breathing in.
We began with a game I called Follow the Yogi Leader. I passed around my bendy flower again and let them know that this game required lots of focus and paying attention to the leader, as we followed every movement or pose they were doing. The kids had lots of laughs…some children made faces or danced and twirled and we followed what they did!
One of the children’s favorite new activities is so simple to set up AND the children loved it.
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I love finding new ways to use some of my props and resources in my classes!
As you can see, the children really enjoyed this activity and it was great to see them so focused on holding each pose for a while and then moving on to the next pose. All you need is a little creativity to keep finding new ways to teach yoga to kids!!
October 12, 2014 @ 3:27 am
I love this idea! I can see kids feeling really proud of themselves that they know the different poses and can hold them!
October 21, 2014 @ 3:51 am
Hi Kara. Thanks for your comment! Yes, they loved being challenged and mixing up the poses! I wanted to make sure you know that my blog has moved over to my website at https://www.beyogabelove.com/blog/.
I am slowly phasing this blog out and will no longer be posting here, so if you would like to continue to receive notifications on new blog posts and upcoming events and my children’s yoga book release in November, please sign up via email on my site. Thanks!