1 Jul 2013
11 Apr 2013
Be Like a Butterfly~ Becoming Who You Are
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ~Maya Angelou
Spring is a time of change and this week in my yoga classes, the children explored the life cycle of a butterfly. I began by reading them a Butterfly poem. Then we acted out how the little caterpillar grows inside its chrysalis and undergoes its transformation to become a beautiful butterfly. We sang their favorite Butterfly song and then played a butterfly game with feathers. The children paired up and one child would throw the feather gently in the air while the other tried to catch it carefully in the palm of their hand. They all enjoyed finding creative ways (like blowing on it) to pass the feather.
A butterfly symbolizes transformation and freedom. It represents hope for the future and stepping into a new life.
Sometimes I forget how much I have grown and what I needed to let go of to have the life I have now. As I continue to evolve into the woman I was meant to be, I am shedding old beliefs that no longer serve me, that have kept me from being “fully me”. Every day, I take more risks, I become more comfortable in my own skin and I love who I am a little bit more.
I teach yoga because I want all children to experience the freedom of the butterfly~ where they are not afraid to be who they are and to reach for their dreams.
Like a butterfly, we are always changing…until one day we emerge from our cocoon, spread our wings and FLY!
8 Apr 2013
Bliss- A Muse Poem
I have reached that place of no return
where the energy surges like a current
running through me
spiraling from my root
to the crown of my being
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without another’s skin, another’s touch
getting high on myself
dizzy on the bliss of
self love
© 2010 Betty E. Larrea
4 Apr 2013
Spring is in the Air!
With Spring in the air, it is the perfect time for children to explore Nature themes and poses.
This week, I introduced a Nature theme with a discussion about Spring and what happens during this season. Since children are already learning about Spring and new life as part of their school curriculum, acting out the phases of development of a butterfly or a tree or a flower helps to reinforce these concepts. April is also National Poetry Month, so I read a poem with many elements of Nature, such as trees, sun, rain, wind, etc. as a prompt for our Nature yoga poses.
Learning about life cycles helps children appreciate and have respect for the natural world and the Earth.
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There are so many Nature poses to choose from, birds, insects, animals… You can even teach them variations of many poses they already know, such as Flower. We started with our basic flower pose and then I challenged them to try balancing in Lotus Flower pose. Then we did a group Sunflower pose. We all sat in a circle with our legs stretched out and reaching for our toes in forward fold, as the sunflower was “sleeping” and as the Sun came out, we stretched our arms out and up over our heads as we breathed out.
I ended class with a Nature Meditation. The children rested in Savasana while I led them through a guided visualization which included many of the Natural elements and creatures we explored in our class.
1 Apr 2013
Desert Sun-A Love Poem
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Desert Sun
Our love was like the desert sun
radiating hope
inspiring all to see
that love is everywhere
Maybe there was no me, no you
only the yearning of our souls
(all of our collective souls)
to find their way home
to Love
What we shared was not of this world,
not ours to keep
it was a gift
given to us
manifest in us
to light the way for others
Maybe all that’s left to do is
surrender this love to god
accept that our souls were chosen
to be a channel for his will
Love is boundless, my love
and we are boundless too
This poem is dedicated to all my Burning Man Brothers & Sisters. May the Love, Freedom and Miracles we experienced on the Playa live on in our hearts forever! Create and BE LOVE… xoxo Luscious Luv
28 Mar 2013
Listening with Your Heart
Listening is one of the most challenging lessons that educators are faced with when teaching children.
One of the themes we explored this month in my yoga classes was LISTENING. After I introduced the theme, I asked the children to share why listening is so important and where they can listen. Many of them responded that they listen to teachers so they can learn and to their parents when they ask them to do something. We discussed how listening was a great way of helping too. Then I told them that we were going to practice our listening by reading 2 poems and asked them to “put on their listening ears”.
Poetry is such a wonderful resource for teaching.
Children are captivated by the sound of rhyming words and the singsong of your voice as you recite each verse. After reading the first poem, I asked the children to help me with the next “action poem” where I read part of the poem and we pointed to different parts of our bodies and they filled in the missing words.
This is the poem I used:
I listen mostly with my _____ (ears, point to ears)
But I sometimes listen with my _____ (eyes, point to eyes)
I look at your _____ (face, point to face)
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I listen mostly with my ______ (eyes, point to eyes)
That’s a really good place to start
But I learn a lot about you
When I listen with my ______ (heart, point to heart)
Playing listening games is a fun way to teach listening skills.
One was yoga telephone where the children sit in a circle and close their eyes. I placed a small animal puppet in one child’s hands and when they all opened their eyes, that child whispers the name of the animal to the next child and then each child whispers in the next child’s ear until it goes around the circle. Then the last child names the puppet and we all do the yoga pose together. For younger kids, we passed the puppet around the circle and the children had to listen to when the music stopped and the child with the puppet in their hand led the class in that yoga pose.
Most importantly, children learn that listening is not something they only do with their ears, but also with their eyes, their hearts, their whole beings. They understand the importance of listening to their teachers, parents, family and friends as a way to show that they care.

image credit amtbweb.org
25 Mar 2013
Permeable Membrane- Inspired Poem
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24 Mar 2013
Creating Space
Yoga creates space for what you want to come into your life.
This week I was finally able to make it to my Tuesday night yoga class with one of my mentors, Becky Middleton at Garden State Yoga. Whenever I take Becky’s class, something opens up for me. At the beginning of class, she asked us to set an intention.
As I tuned into my breath, my intention was clear… I am devoting my practice to nurturing myself.
For the first time in a long time, perhaps ever…my intention was my own, for me and only me.
Becky led us through a rigorous Vinyasa class that balanced power with fluidity and grace. She incorporated some beautiful dance-like movements, which were reminiscent of a bird in flight. The sequence really opened my heart to what I have been exploring over the past year: keeping my attention on myself, loving myself and owning my power. Sometimes you do not recognize your own transformation until you take the time to really be present-in your body on the mat.
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At some point during the class, I had this deeply moving realization that yoga allows me to CREATE SPACE.
My body opens with each pose
My mind expands with each breath
My soul comes home
I am grateful for my yoga practice and my teachers. I am grounded in my intention to nourish myself, first and foremost.
In this spaciousness I have created, love can continue to blossom.
I am opening, ever opening to LOVE.
18 Mar 2013
Missing Pieces- A Poem
Missing Pieces
There are lies we tell ourselves
to not face the reality
of broken promises, unspoken words
We look outside for answers, for truth
as if it could be found in
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someone, something, anything
and still find nothing
What if the missing pieces were inside?
in the stillness, the void
that holds everything
the thread that ties it all together
and unravels the truth all at once
Betty Larrea ©2008
10 Jul 2013
Following My Muse
I used to think that I needed inspiration to write poetry, to make art, to create something.
Lately, I have been rather uninspired, waiting for the feelings to rush over me so I could make something out of them. But, feelings don’t work that way…you can’t will them or force them to come, as much as you can’t tame and control them when they do. The past few weeks, I have been allowing my feelings to “be”, to come and go, no resistance, no judgment…while easier said than done.
And so it is with inspiration.
I have been writing new poetry. The words come slowly, sometimes I need to wait for them. All this is new to me, I am so used to just pouring my feelings out, channeling them into my writing. Yet, I am evolving and so is my poetry. I am learning to relish the sweet anticipation of what is to come…
My writing is a reflection of me, of my soul, I breathe life into my words.
Right now there is mostly silence inside, some waves, but no turbulence, this too is new. I am riding the waves, and every once in a while, the words bubble up inside and I catch them with my pen.
I am letting my MUSE guide me, she knows where I am going…