22 Feb 2018
Books Make Yoga Come Alive!

Do you remember those childhood days of reading your favorite book or bedtime story?
I love books… I’ve loved books for as long as I can remember.
Every Saturday morning, my mother would take me to the library to pick out some books for the week.
I would get lost in each and every page…becoming part of the story.
I think that’s the reason I felt a calling to become an Author.
As both an author and a children’s yoga instructor, I love that I am able to use storytelling to engage children’s imagination.
It allows me to combine my passions for both books AND yoga!
Like reading, yoga allows us to go a magical journey using our imaginations.
That is why books are the perfect complement to kid’s yoga. Storytime yoga is a favorite activity in my classes because the children get to experience and integrate the story on a holistic level through their senses and their bodies. They are not only listening to the story, they are actually IN IT!
Every book is an opportunity to take your students on a new whimsical yoga adventure.
Using books in your yoga classes is an effective way to engage all learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Since all children learn differently, the multi-sensory experience of reading and doing yoga together gives each child a way to process what they are learning and understand it in their own unique way.
Another important benefit of reading is that it improves focus and concentration. Children bring their awareness to the words, images and feelings evoked in the story. One of the challenges of teaching yoga and mindfulness to young children is that they have limited attention spans. A book is the perfect focal point for yoga because it allows children to place their attention on themselves with each turn of the page. They are fully immersed in the moment as they respond to the story.
While there are a few story books available, including my own book Lucinda’s Magical Yoga Adventure, that actually have yoga poses in them, almost any children’s book with animals and nature elements can be used. Once you discover the many amazing books out there to use in your yoga classes, you will you will rediscover the magic that reading provides for a child and for yourself!
Here are 5 simple ways to incorporate books into your yoga classes or at home:
Choose a book that enhances your class THEME or teaches your child a POSITIVE MESSAGE
Use each page as a PROMPT for a YOGA POSE or activity that reinforces your theme
Make it an INTERACTIVE STORY where the children become the characters they meet along the way
Play a GAME by asking your students/child to find the yoga poses in the book
Encourage children to MAKE UP yoga poses or movements for characters or objects in the story
Here is a list of my favorite of my all-time favorite books to use when doing yoga with children:
How Do I Love You? by Marion Dane Bauer
Mindful Movemements by Thich Nhat Hanh
I’m Thankful Each Day by P.K. Hallinan
Peaceful Piggy Meditation by Kerry MacLean
What Does it Mean to Be Present? by Rana DiOrio
They are all available on AMAZON by clicking the title or the links below.
2 Jul 2020
Books To Teach Kids about RACE and ANTI-RACISM
The recent acts of violence against people of color, the tragic death of George Floyd and the protests in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement have challenged us to educate ourselves and our children about RACE and RACISM.
It’s simply not enough to be NOT RACIST. We need to model and teach our children to be ANTI-RACISM.
Racism can be such a complex, painful topic to talk about, but it’s important that we start these conversations with kids so we can change the culture of white privilege. Luckily, there are wonderful children’s books about race and racism that we can read together to spark conversations with kids of all ages.
As an Author and book lover, I have always chosen books to expose my daughter to all kinds of new topics I want to teach her. The past few weeks, I have made it a priority to choose more diverse books (both at the library and to add to our own collection at home) to read with my toddler.
Here are 4 books I highly recommend for preschoolers and elementary school age readers (ages 2-8) to introduce race and racial differences to young children. I’ve also included some books for older kids and high schoolers. These can all be found on Amazon by clicking on the title links or book images below.
ONE LOVE by Cedella Marley
Based on Bob Marley’s classic song ONE LOVE, this heartwarming book brings his timeless “feel good” lyrics to life. It’s perfect for teaching kids about the power of people coming together with love in their hearts to bring about change. It is available in both board book and hardcover versions.
COLORS OF US by Karen Katz
The story, “The Colors of Us” celebrates the many shades of skin color. The story follows seven-year-old Lena, a budding artist who wants to paint herself. As she and her mother take a walk through their neighborhood, Lena learns that brown comes in many different shades and the people all around her come in many colors and cultures too. When Lena returns from her walk, she’s excited to mix her yellow, red, white and black paints to capture her own unique skin tone.
This book begins with “Children come in all the colors of the earth~”
With its vibrant illustrations and simple wording, the book introduces kids to all the beautiful shades of skin color and their connection to the colors found on nature. It also depicts children, families and friends of mixed races, which reinforces that not all people and families look the same. I love how this book celebrates children of all races and has a positive message that all children be happy and free.
THE DAY YOU BEGIN by Jacqueline Woodson
This book explores the many reasons we may feel different, maybe the way we look or speak, being from a different country or the food we eat. The story begins on the first day of school and centers around Angelina, who has curly hair and brown skin. She feels her “otherness” reflecting on her summer spent home playing with her little sister while her classmates share their stories of their summer vacation travels. This book reminds us that we all feel like outsiders sometimes and that it takes courage to share your stories. It promotes self love and acceptance of others as well as the power of your VOICE and the connection that can emerge when you are being yourself!